dimanche 21 février 2010

Toward a Planetary Theology

NEW ! (now available)
A Theological Project Completed!
The fifth and last volume has just been published:
Toward A Planetary Theology
Along the Many Paths of God

A five volume collection series, edited by the Latin American Theological Commission of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) and finally concluded by its International Theological Commission. The first and until now unique work addressing the cross-fertilization between Theology of Liberation and Theology of Pluralism

This volume includes reflections by M. Amaladoss (India), M. Barros (Brazil), A. Brighenti (Brazil), E.K-F. Chia (Malaysia), A. Egea (Spain), P.F. Knitter (USA), D.R. Loy (USA), L. Magesa (Tanzania), J. Neusner (USA), I.A. Omar (USA), T. Okure (Nigeria), R. Panikkar (India-Spain), P.C. Phan (Vietnam-USA), A. Pieris (Sri Lanka), R. Renshaw (Canada), J.A. Robles (Costa Rica), K.L. Seshagiri (USA), A.M.L. Soares (Brazil), F. Teixeira (Brazil) and is edited by edited by José María VIGIL

To order: dunamis@live.com dunamispublishers.blogspot.com
Canada: $20, United States: $24, Other countries: $25. All prices include surface shipping. Checks only: payable to Dunamis Publishers

The five volumes are:
I. Challenges of Religious Pluralism for Liberation Theology
II. Toward a Latin American Theology of Religious Pluralism
III. Latin American Pluralist Theology of Liberation
IV. International Pluralist Liberating Theology
and the last one now also appearing in English:
V. Toward a Planetary Theology

The three first volumes were published in English by LIT-Verlag, London, Berlin, Along the Many Paths of God, 288 pp. (www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-1520-2)

In Spanish: editorial@abyayala.org / http://www.abyayala.org/ )
In Portuguese: Edições Paulinas, São Paulo, http://www.paulinas.org.br/
In Italian: Pazzini Editore, Rimini, Italia, http://www.pazzinieditore.it/

For further information:
Comisión Teológica Latinoamericana de ASETT
and the International Theological Commission of EATWOT