dimanche 20 octobre 2013

World Latin American Agenda 2014

 2014 Digital Edition
Freely available at: http://latinoamericana.org/English

Where to order the World Latin American Agenda on paper?

For CANADA-USA (in English):
Sadie Macklin, Box 21353 Grande Prairie, AB Canada T8V 6W7
(780)539-3744; cell: (780)882-0918

In Canada: CAN$25 including mailing and taxes.
In the USA: US$28 including mailing and tax.
Other: US$35 including mailing and tax.

In Spanish:
see the editor, according to the country, at:
For the USA and Canada, please, email to
Rosario Miguelina Carmona
P.O. Box 1062
Union City, NJ 07087, USA
email: agendalatinoamericanausa@gmail.com
Facebook: Agenda LatinoAmericana USA


We deal with the topic of freedom
in all its dimensionsin the Agenda,
trying to get to know and live an integral
freedom, which has many sources, which
 is a gift and a conquest. We talk of freedom
and talk of liberation. Freedomis politic;
in our Agenda it is politic with the clear option
which Zapatistas claim: «always from below
and to the left». True freedom is communal,
an exercise of relationships that give and take.
I am free if you are free. «Thereis no freedom
without equality». Neither there is freedom
without dignity, a dignity so many times
butchered by ideologiesand systems, a
victim of individual and collectiveselfishness,
but also victorious with exemplary resistances
that open paths among bars, marginalisation,
tortures and censorship. The list of martyrs
for freedom is infinite. In each Agenda we
continue to underline the historic and critical
moment of those Great Causes, bringing and
taking «a people in our voice».     
Pedro Casaldaliga

mardi 9 avril 2013

DUNAMIS stops publishing


Dunamis Publishers will no longer publish. The corporation has been dissolved and the account closed. There still remain copies of "Toward a Planetary Theology" andl also the 2013 Agenda. These can be ordered from 6295 rue Alma, Montreal, QC, Canada, H2S 2W2 at the prices indicated but with a check made out to Richard Renshaw.

Most specifically this means that there will not be an English edition of the 2014 Latin American Agenda. Unfotunately each year the number of copies sold has been diminishing and the trend seems impermeable to change.

lundi 10 septembre 2012

World Latin American Agenda 2013

By Cerezo
The Agenda is now back from the printer and ready for mailing.  It's not at all too early to send in an order:  Canada : CAD$20; United States: US$23; Other country: US$30. (The difference in price is simply to cover the mailing!)

I am able to accept checks only, payable to Dunamis Publishers.
Mail to 6295, rue Alma, Montreal, QC, Canada, H2S 2W2

NOTE: Now available: a Spanish version distributed out of the USA at US$23.00. Contact: Rosario M. Carmona, P.O. Box 8161, Union City, NJ, 07098 or agendalatinoamericanausa@gmail.com

vendredi 9 septembre 2011


Latin American Agenda 2014 (Available through Sadie MacKlin)
Latin American Agenda 2013
Latin American Agenda 2012
Latin American Agenda 2011
Latin American Agenda 2010 (out of stock)
Toward a Planetary Theology (2010)
The Day It Rained (2009)
El Día en que llovió (2011) (new)
Dealing with Diversity (2009) (out of stock)
See details below

Latin American Agenda 2012

Living Well - Living Well Together
- Sumak Kawsay


This year the Agenda asks "Which humanity?" What sort of humanity can we and do we want to be, what life can we and do we want to live, what sort of co-existence do we aspire to.

CANADA: $20.00
USA: $23.00
(including shipping) *with spiral

Check payable to :
Dunamis Publishers
(6295, rue Alma, Montreal, QC, Canada, H2S 2W2)

For more information: http://latinoamericana.org/English/
For pedagocial and multimeida tools (in Spanish) see

To download the Agenda in digital form: http://latinoamericana.org/English/2012LatinAmericanAgenda.pdf
To see earlier editions: http://latinoamericana.org/digital

lundi 20 septembre 2010

World Latin American Agenda 2011

Publication date: October 12, 2011
Note that this year the binding is once again with a SPIRAL (by popular demand).

Order from : Dunamis Publishers
c/o 6295, rue Alma / Montréal QC / H2S 2W2 Canada


FINAL SELL OFF: (I have only a few copies left )

This Agenda offers a fairly complete catalogue of the various aspects of the theme: the history of religions and of atheism or unbelief; the difference and complementarity between spirituality and religion; religion that encourages and justifies wars; spiritualism, fundamentalism, and alienation, which have been denounced so many times in the past and yet persist even today; the need for interreligious dialogue; macroecumenicism; the transformation of power, of wealth, and of consumerism into sacred powers; the fall of old gods and their replacement by new ones; the need, the basic thirst, for answers to the major questioning of the human heart; the search for the meaning of one’s personal life and that of human society as a whole. After all the wars and inquisitions, we are beginning to ask whether a true religion can exist by attacking, closing in on itself, and forcing an assent of faith. All religions can be true and all can contain a great deal of falsehood.
Pedro Casaldáliga

dimanche 21 février 2010

Toward a Planetary Theology

NEW ! (now available)
A Theological Project Completed!
The fifth and last volume has just been published:
Toward A Planetary Theology
Along the Many Paths of God

A five volume collection series, edited by the Latin American Theological Commission of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) and finally concluded by its International Theological Commission. The first and until now unique work addressing the cross-fertilization between Theology of Liberation and Theology of Pluralism

This volume includes reflections by M. Amaladoss (India), M. Barros (Brazil), A. Brighenti (Brazil), E.K-F. Chia (Malaysia), A. Egea (Spain), P.F. Knitter (USA), D.R. Loy (USA), L. Magesa (Tanzania), J. Neusner (USA), I.A. Omar (USA), T. Okure (Nigeria), R. Panikkar (India-Spain), P.C. Phan (Vietnam-USA), A. Pieris (Sri Lanka), R. Renshaw (Canada), J.A. Robles (Costa Rica), K.L. Seshagiri (USA), A.M.L. Soares (Brazil), F. Teixeira (Brazil) and is edited by edited by José María VIGIL

To order: dunamis@live.com dunamispublishers.blogspot.com
Canada: $20, United States: $24, Other countries: $25. All prices include surface shipping. Checks only: payable to Dunamis Publishers

The five volumes are:
I. Challenges of Religious Pluralism for Liberation Theology
II. Toward a Latin American Theology of Religious Pluralism
III. Latin American Pluralist Theology of Liberation
IV. International Pluralist Liberating Theology
and the last one now also appearing in English:
V. Toward a Planetary Theology

The three first volumes were published in English by LIT-Verlag, London, Berlin, Along the Many Paths of God, 288 pp. (www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-1520-2)

In Spanish: editorial@abyayala.org / http://www.abyayala.org/ )
In Portuguese: Edições Paulinas, São Paulo, http://www.paulinas.org.br/
In Italian: Pazzini Editore, Rimini, Italia, http://www.pazzinieditore.it/

For further information:
Comisión Teológica Latinoamericana de ASETT
and the International Theological Commission of EATWOT